The Bun Murders Sequel (馒头 Strikes Back!)
The original internet spoof of the grandiose Chinese movie, the Promise (blogged previously), called 《一个馒头引发的血案》 (The Murder Caused by a Bun) has inspired multiple sequels in the past few months.
The first is called 《一个馒头引发的麻烦》 (The Troubles Caused by a Bun) and uses film clips from movies with the Hong Kong star Stephen Chow:
Another is called 《当大师遇到馒头》(The Day the Master Meets the Bun).
The latest is called 《一根筷子引发的命案》(The Murder Caused by a Chopstick) and features clips from Hero as well as silly/satirical allusions to Bin Laden.
What’s interesting is that the video-meme has lasted so long, the original video-montage spoof was created in late January, and it’s still in the public mind today.
To find the clips, copy and paste the titles into Google/Baidu.
So we should all go see The Promise in its horrible glory, now showing in movie theaters here in the U.S., and then watch these video clips.
Or do you want the “authentic” dvd experience? 😀