China’s top keyword searches: hard to find on english language web
The leading Chinese search engine, Baidu, lists top searches of the day just the way Google Zeitgeist does. Link to today’s top keywords. Arrow indicates growth rate, followed by number of searches, and my translations.
1 mp3 ↑ 99199
2 qq ↑ 78692 [QQ is China’s most popular instant messaging platform]
3 电影 ↑ 72689 [movies]
4 跑跑卡丁车 ↑ 72299 [Popkart “Crazy Racing” game, found here]
5 小说 ↑ 68450 [novels/fiction]
6 音乐 ↑ 60760 [music]
7 游戏 ↑ 60152 [games]
8 迅雷 ↑ 59328 [Thunder, a download manager, found here]
9 劲舞团 ↑ 57656 [Audition beta Chinese version of the Korean dance game, found here]
10 nba ↓ 44572 [NBA…yes, the same NBA]
What’s so striking is that a brief parallel Google search for the English names of two of the keywords, even with additional keywords, yields little or nothing. I couldn’t find anything on Popkart at all, while a search for Thunder eventually led me to some comments on message boards. Audition turns up on a few specialty gaming sites such as Raph Koster’s, or posts on the Chinese gaming industry at Pacific Epoch. Of course, a more strenuous search would probably yield more results, but it just shows where some of the gaps lie.
“Popkart” is also known as “Kart Rider”, and it actually hails from Korea (see Googling “Kart Rider China” yields some results though they are mostly press releases about the Korea-China transition.
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