Breaking News! Girl hits mother on bus, helpful passengers scolded!
Posted on by Jason Li
Highlighted on the front page of QQ’s [Sensationalist] News in Photos:
女孩公交上出手打亲妈 乘客劝阻遭其大骂
(Girl Hits Mother on Bus, Helpful Passengers Scolded)
Photo Caption: Girl leans on front of #70 bus. Prevents bus from moving.
What transpired:
- Teenage girl and mother get on bus at a shopping center stop.
- Girl loudly complains to her mother about not buying her something.
- Girl grabs mother’s jacket and hits her.
- Passengers loudly complain about her behavior.
- Girl threatens to hit whoever complains.
- An old lady tells her to leave her mother alone.
- Girl leaps towards the old lady, preparing to hit her.
- A throng of passengers block her path.
- In shame, mother drags girl off of the bus.
- Girl moves towards the front of the bus and refuses to budge (see photo).
- Passengers call cops. All stay to give eye witness statements.
- 20 minutes later, cops come to the scene to take statements.
- Cops take girl away.
- (At this point, the mother is long gone.)