Historical artifact: 汉字组字扑克 (Chinese character combination poker)

I purchased this children’s educational card game in Penang, Malaysia in 2023. Its name is 汉字组字扑克, which roughly translates to “Chinese character combination poker.” This box set did not come with any instructions, but its name and design suggests it’s a kind of “扑克 [poker]” game where cards (with Chinese characters/radicals written on them) are grouped together into Chinese characters for points (in the vein of Scrabble).
It’s very likely that this is a game of the same name that was patented in 1986 China by 靳天运. Both the 1986 patent and the box set I got share the same name (汉字组字扑克), number of cards (120), and card graphic design (Chinese characters in two corners with an animal drawing in the middle). You can download a PDF scan of the patent on Google Patents, which has includes a description of and the instructions for the game. Here is, for example, the final page of the patent, which is titled 说明书附图 (instructions diagram):

I wanted to share my photos and research findings here to create a record of this game for future historians, educators, game designers and patent enthusiasts. There are many card games like this in China today (魔法汉字 seems to be the most popular example at the time of writing), but it’s unclear whether any of them are inspired or derived from this 1980s edition. Nevertheless, since this is a rare find as I did not find any other information online about this game.
Below I’ve placed more photos showing what’s on and inside the box, followed by a transcription of any text found on the packaging or on the cards.

Transcribed text
Front of the box
- 汉字 [Chinese character]
- 组字扑克 [character combination poker]
- 中国制造 [made in China]
- 新型智力玩具 [New style intelligence toy]
- HANZI [pinyin for 汉字]
- ZUZIPUKE [pinyin for 组字扑克]
- 组 [combine]
Sides of the box
- KAIFAZHILI [pinyin for 开发智力]
- 开发智力 增强思维 [develop intelligence, strengthen thinking]
- ZENGQIANGSIWEI [pinyin for 增强思维]
- 河北省平乡县育才智力玩具工厂出品 [produced by Yucai Intelligent Toy Factory, Pingxiang County, Hebei Province]
Inside box with the lid opened
- 玩具是儿童的天使 [toys are angels for children]
Examples of cards
- Upper left & bottom right: 欠 [owe, lack]
- Middle animal label: 虹鳟 [rainbow trout]
- Upper left & bottom right: 口 [mouth, opening]
- Middle animal label: 松鸡 [grouse]
- Upper left & bottom right: 且 [and, moreover, yet]
- Middle animal label: 狮 [lion]
Final note (and mystery)
There are 120 cards in total and no two cards are the same. But there’s also an additional blank piece of paper that’s the same size as the cards with a black frame in the middle the number eight stamped in a corner in red.
Appendix: character combination poker today
This is a screenshot of the image search results for 组字扑克 (character combination poker) on Baidu today: