“Modern sightseeing agriculture”!? (updated)
Posted on by Jason Li
Red Leatherman over at Boing Boing points out that the size of the pumpkin shot is the result of an optical illusion — a photographer with a large lens would not stand that close to it.
The real size can be seen from the pumpkins in the background of the photo (it’s not that big).
Apologies for the sloppy journalism. Now the question, did Sina intentionally use this photo to tell a tall tale?
A photographer takes photo of a huge pumpkin growing in an intelligent greenhouse in Xiqing District in Tianjin, north China. The greenhouse is built to show new agricultural technologies, such as soilless culture and drip irrigation etc., as a model of modern sightseeing agriculture.(Xinhua/ Wang Deqiang)
(Thanks Paul for the link.)