Chinese Media Maps!
ESWN has a post on Star Maps of Chinese Media.
From Roland’s “translation of a description of a talk given by the renowned mainland media verteran Qian Gang (錢剛).”
“Here is how Qian Gang descibed the mainland media through this star map. He believes in the past, the stars that represent the mainland meda were in the top left corner. They were neither open nor under the influence of market forces. But now they are all moving towards the bottom right corner. Qian Gang divided the changing mainland media into three sub-types. The first type is the free press which do not totally bow to the dictates of the market forces. This is the most ideal kind. The second type is the free press which are leaning towards a market economy. This is like the western media. The third type is not very free but follow the market model. This is the worst possible kind, and they are the targets of criticism by Qian Gang and other mainland media people with conscience.”
Link to full article, with information about Taiwan’s star map as well.